1. The promoter is Millys Marvels Ltd. Company Number 09259165 whose registered office is at 1st Floor Gallery Court, Arcadia Ave, London, N3 2FG
2. There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition
3. By entering this competition, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
4. Route to entry for the competition and details of how to enter are via https://www.facebook.com/millysmarvels/
5. Closing date for entry will be Monday 4th February 2019. After this date no further entries to the competition will be permitted.
6. No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.
7. Winners will be chosen at random by software
8. Winner will be chosen from the ones who have followed the two steps described in the promotional picture 1. Like and share the picture 2. Like Millys Marvels Facebook page
9. The winner agrees to the use of his/her name in any publicity material, as well as their entry.
10. Delivery will be covered by the organiserÂ
11. Winner can chose any pair of earrings from the Facebook competition photo
12. No returns or exchanges accepted
13. Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.
14. Millys Marvels also reserves the right to cancel the competition if circumstances arise outside of its control.
15. Millys Marvels Ltd shall have the right, at its sole discretion and at any time, to change or modify these terms and conditions, such change shall be effective